Keyword Optimization: How to optimize keywords for SEO

Keyword Optimization: How to optimize Keywords for SEO

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Content Marketing, SEO, Technology

Keyword optimization is an essential part of your website SEO and you would lose customers if you don’t use keywords for search engine optimization (SEO). According to Junto,75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines. Building a website and how to improve your website visibility is an ongoing series we started […]


How to Create a Website: A beginner’s Guide

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Adverts, Business, SEO, Technology

The advancement in technology has made it possible for the average person to create a website without prior knowledge in web development, design, or coding. If you have the necessary tool and resources, you can easily create a website for yourself or your business. A website is like your “fort Knox”, “your Batcave”, “your habitat”, […]

5 Ways to Build a Strong Online Presence

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Technology

  Having an effective online presence is very essential for the growth of your online business and engaging with your customers. Therefore, not only would an active online presence increase your brand’s reputation, but it will also establish you as an authority in your industry. As a business owner, you need to actively try to […]

The Best Social Media Platforms for your Business

Posted 7 CommentsPosted in Social Media, Technology

Social media platforms are great tools for reaching a larger and targeted audience. Social media platforms can help increase the visibility of your business, promote your products and services, generate new leads, and drive sales. According to Statista, almost 4.66 billion people were active internet users as of October 2020, encompassing 59 percent of the […]