May 31, 2021March 21, 2023Business, Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Technology, Work E-commerce Marketing Strategy In The 21st Century The rapid increase in science and technology has accelerated the growth of e-commerce businesses in Nigeria and if you don’t have an […]
May 20, 2021May 21, 2021Business, Technology, Uncategorized A Complete Checklist For Writing Professional Emails Emails remain one of the most widely used forms of communication that are used to communicate in the professional environment. This is […]
February 16, 2021February 16, 2021Adverts, Business, SEO, Technology How to Create a Website: A beginner’s Guide The advancement in technology has made it possible for the average person to create a website without prior knowledge in web development, […]
February 3, 2021February 3, 2021Business How to create an ideal customer Avatar A buyer persona, Marketing persona, Customer avatar, or target market are not new phrases in the marketing industry. The above phrases are […]
November 30, 2020December 7, 2020Business 6 Effective ways your business can benefit from Email marketing The invention of smartphones has made it more possible for people to view their Emails daily unlike when it was usually on […]