5 Most Important Components of a Landing Page

Having an effective landing page for a website is crucial when trying to drive sales of your product or services.

Creating a high converting landing page isn’t rocket science although it requires a lot of work.

A landing page can help you gain customers more quickly with an enticing offer.

As a business owner you’ve spent countless hours creating content ensuring it can deliver the biggest impact for your audience.

As an expert in your industry, you know that you have developed strong content to help them solve a particular problem or the other.

You also know that they aren’t going to just magically sign for your email letters, buy your products, etc.

They need to be convinced that your product and services are worth their time and money.

This is why you need a landing page.

What is a Landing Page?

picture describing a landing pageIn its simplest form, a landing page is one that a visitor arrives or lands on when entering your website.

However, in the field of digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single objective which is to compel visitors to take a specific action which can be email address signups, membership creation, or sales.

The goal of a great landing page is to increase conversion rates to reach your marketing or business goals.

A landing page typically has some of these purposes :

  • Get a visitor to learn something, or leave feedback. This might include posting a comment or rating your products or services.
  • Get a visitor to make a purchase.
  • Encourage a visitor to click (to go to another page, on your site, or someone else’s).
  • Encourage a visitor to give his/her permission for you to follow them up by email or phone number
  • Get a visitor to tell a friend about your products/services.

Before putting together your landing page, you need to know what you want it to accomplish.

For example, are you using it to grow your email list, promote a new product, or promoting a discount on a subscription.

Once you have your goal or purpose, think about what your message will be.

How can your product or service offering solve your customer’s problem?

After that, you can start researching keywords. What do people type in when they’re searching for solutions to the problem that your sale, product, or newsletter can solve?

From there you can start thinking about the elements you want to include on your landing page e.g a form, a call to action a sales video, etc.

There is no actual rule to follow to make a high converting landing page.

The product or service you are offering, your target audience among other factors will influence your chances of success or failure.

However, there are some common elements that you need to keep in mind while creating a landing page.

Here are 5 of them

1. Attractive Headline

When visitors arrive on your landing page, the first thing they’re likely to notice is your headline.

Effective headlines clearly state both the offer and your unique value proposition.

Then your sub-headline should provide additional details to support the headline.

When a prospect lands on your page, if they see a headline that is confusing or different from the information you put on your page, they will likely bounce immediately.

Make your headlines clear and concise, to make your prospects know exactly what the landing page is about as soon as they arrive there.

2. Make an offer

Landing pages should promote a premium offer that your visitor receives in exchange for providing you their information.

The offer could be premium content like an eBook, report, or webinar. It could also include another type of offers like a free trial, demo, or free consultation.

This is to motivate customers to give their information. people especially in this part of the world like “free things” and are always eager to do things to get a reward.

3. Standout call-to-action (CTA)

Call to action

Your landing page needs a clear call-to-action button that commands attention.

To be more effective, use a contrasting color which doesn’t necessarily have to be a bright color and an actual button, for your prospect to click.

Make sure you design the page without clutter or distractions and make the button big and bold so your prospect knows where to go to redeem your offer.

Be sure to use only one CTA per page so you don’t confuse your visitors.

4. Make use of Relevant Pictures and Videos

Visual content is a very important part of a landing page that works.
Research has shown that the brain processes image 60,000 times faster than text.

Make sure your pictures are large and relevant to the product or services you offer.

If you are selling a physical product like cars, gadgets or an estate agent make sure that your page contains an image of your product.

If you are offering a service, the primary purpose of the image should be to grab attention and demonstrate relevance to the visitor.

You can also include client testimonials about your product and services.

The pictures need to be high-quality and make sure you include high-quality relevant visuals to your product and services.

If you are not familiar with graphics designs you can hire a professional to design the landing page for you. This is not the time to use Canva or last-minute photoshop work.

Your landing page has to be professional.

5. Attractive Copy

The copy of your landing page must be prominent, sweet, and straight to the point for the understanding of your customers.

Note that you have only a few seconds to convince a visitor, therefore your content needs to be simple yet compelling at the same time.

Effective landing page copy needs to be self-navigational and explanatory because it guides your visitors to the call to action button.

You also need to make sure that there are no spelling and grammatical errors.

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